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Ordering finasteride online, and he was told to start again on the next visit. The doctor prescribed Finasteride, brand name of an ingredient in finasteride, for a decade or more. Dr. Jaffee also prescribed another medication, Propecia, for the man's hair loss, even though Colchicine tablets buy online Propecia is not approved to treat hair loss. Advertisement Continue reading the main story He did this because, after started taking Propecia, his hair to grow back. "The finasteride is a drug to prevent hair loss," he said. "There is a big difference between treating it and curing it." Dr. Jaffee was shocked at how quickly he and his patients fell victim to the drug. In his 30 years of practice, he said, had never seen patients order finasteride 1mg with such severe hair loss that their started to fall out. Many had lost their hair completely. "I'm a very cautious person," Dr. Jaffee said. "I'm careful to make sure that people aren't putting themselves at a great risk, and they aren't, because I am concerned about hair loss." He did not prescribe Finasteride for these patients because his colleagues had recommended it and he did not want to put them at risk for side effects or the possibility of getting too many prescriptions. Instead, he prescribed a placebo, which was Propecia. "It's almost like a game in the sense that, 'OK, we'll take a placebo pill and see if he has hair,' " Dr. Jaffee said. He added: "I felt that what was happening to them a bad placebo. The real drug has side effects." In his experience, Finasteride could not be taken by people who do not have male-pattern baldness, he said, so most of the cases he saw were in men between 35 and 55. Dr. Jaffee and his wife, a nurse, have been married for 40 years. When he was first working in the dermatology clinic, they were only couple at the clinic on sixth floor, so he was the one who had free access. He often took patients up into the seventh floor to look at their scalp. He had his hand on a patient's shoulder to get better look. The patients came to him with a lot of questions about their condition, Dr. Jaffee said. They were "extremely vulnerable," he said. Many had no idea how to manage their condition, or had no concept of what it meant to order finasteride online say they ha